Showing posts with label Discussion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Discussion. Show all posts

Saturday, June 16, 2012

"Thash" Decision

So I think I’ve managed to hit a cross roads. Not just any form of cross roads but the type of cross roads you encounter when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.  That special kind of epiphany which causes you to possibly rethink even your most well put together and carefully crafted thoughts.  Now I hit this crossroads about a month a half ago when I was visited by a friend.  A friend that I have had a crush on for quite some time.  Just over 3 years to be exact.  Yes, many people feel that after one manages to exit the unfriendly confines of High School, scenarios that include having crushes should cease and completely disappear.  These same scenarios should especially never come attached with the notion that one would go over three long years and not say anything to this person.  Well many people don’t know exactly what the situation was three years ago that might have prevented this crush from being acted upon.  Then among those same many people who do know, they probably wouldn’t understand. 

So as not to completely bore you with the ins and outs of life’s trials & tribulations, which all of you have probably stumbled upon at some point in your own, we’ll just say that this crush wasn’t acted upon due to “circumstances”.   If that isn’t enough of an explanation for you, then I’m quite sorry because that is all that you are going to get.  During your child years, you learn than imagination is probably the best means of entertainment you can have. So I simply suggest that you pull that same imagination out of the attic in your head, dust off the cobwebs and use it to make those “circumstances” I was speaking about before become anything you would like them to be.  Thank you.

Now that I’m finished aimlessly carrying on about circumstances and imagination, I’ll attempt to get to my point.  Like I stated before, I hit a crossroads about a month and half ago when a certain friend came to visit me.  Having had gone through said “circumstances”, I had come to my own conclusion regarding the opposite sex and formulated my own personal theory on them.  I’ll also spare you the specifics of that very genius theory as to not spark any debates.  Regardless of what the theory was, it was proven during that visit that there was an exception to it.  If you haven’t figured it out just yet, my friend was the exception.  The lone and sole exception to something I felt I had created so well it couldn’t possibly have any leaks, any air holes, flaws, weaknesses, whatever you want to call it.  But she managed to find the smallest of cracks, the miniscule of chinks in the armor and here’s the craziest part; she did it without even trying.  She didn’t even know she was doing it.  Heck, I didn’t know that she was doing it.  Not until it was already too late.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Girls are Stupid, Boys are Somewhat Smart part 3

...and it goes on.  This portion will speak on whether Mr. Right or Mr. Right Now is better for you.  Yeah, You (I mean if you're a female).  It also gives a birds and the bees explanation about how 'Assholes' are born.  Spoiler: a stork has nothing to do with it.  Again, enjoy.

Part 3:

Next topic: Choosing Mr. Right or Mr. Right Now.  Which one should you take?  That all depends not completely on your common sense level but also what you are looking for at that specific time in your life.  You might be at that stage when you’re ready to settle down, put a stop to all of the nightly clubbing and loose sex with complete strangers you’ve been having and pick just one guy.  One guy to spend the rest of your natural life together.  Just One.  Not one until you grow tired of him and find a seemingly better model for you to upgrade to.  No, just one.  Sorry.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Girls are Stupid, Boys are Somewhat Smart part 2

...and we continue on.  This second part focuses more on the non-necessity that is drama and the even more needlessness (I think that's a word) of it being present in a relationship.  If you want that relationship to last anyways.  Enjoy.

Part 2:

Back tracking to using your common sense about making the right choice, all I want to say is this: USE IT! That is why God provided us with it.  You have plenty of other attributes that He also gave you to use for other things.  You want a college degree? Use that part of the brain that controls intelligence.  You want to go running?  Use your legs.  You want to coerce you dude into doing something for you?  Bat your eyelashes, use your “sweet” asking voice, your unfair right to withhold sex and the power of your precious vagina.  You want to keep a good man?  Don’t make petty excuses not to keep him like his hair grows funny or he doesn’t have a specific job or he snores in his sleep.  I’m pretty sure you snore in your sleep too but he doesn’t tell you because he knows it might make you feel self conscious about yourself.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Girls are Stupid, Boys are Somewhat Smart

First of a six part piece discussing my thoughts on females and common sense.  Feel free to comment about any and everything.  Just because I'm a guy doesn't mean I'm close minded so I hope that you read with an open one.

Part 1:

Yes, the title does say that and yes, I did come up with it all by myself.  But no, I do not exactly mean what the title says.  Well, to an extent.  You see when I say that “Girls are Stupid”, and I’ve used that phrase plenty of times in my existence, I don’t exactly mean all females are blithering idiots.  This has nothing to do with basic and pure intelligence.  I’m not questioning your smarts because you may have failed to do substantially well on that rather easy open-book exam back in high school.  What I am questioning, again only to an extent, is the female level of pure and basic common sense.  Common sense and intelligence are of two different categories. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Me vs. Emotion

"Where would you be without them?"

In all honesty, I didn’t think writing about this was going to be as difficult as it wound up being. I do realize it’s a bit of an odd topic to discuss it’s something I’ve been obsessed with for as long as I could remember. Emotions. It’s hard to define specifically what an emotion is, yet it’s the driving force behind each and every one of our actions and decisions throughout our lives. Similar to the soul, they help to define not only who we are but why we are the way we are. It’s possible the two are even linked somehow. There are dozens of different emotions we all experience throughout our lives but I’ll only discuss very briefly the different ones we are all familiar with.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Me vs. The Internet

"I’d like to welcome you to the new age, an age where the world is at the beckon call of your fingertips."

Welcome to the internet age. I realize that yes I’m only a few years late writing about this but I was feeling nostalgic one day about how excited I used to get as a kid to go to the music store whenever an album from a band I liked came out, and how because of the internet I’ll probably never get to re-live that sort of excitement (also due in part to the fact that new music is horrible… Lady Gaga or Katy Perry anyone?). It then got me thinking about how other aspects of my life and everybody else’s has changed because of it and well, that’s my excuse for writing about it now. This isn’t going to be so much of an ‘one side or another’ piece like my monogamy and marriage blogs, but just more of an observation of this new internet age we live in.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Me vs. Marriage

“…and the prince came to rescue the girl and they lived happily ever after.”

Ah yes, the fairy tale. Those lovable stories we all read as children about being rescued and living life happily ever after. Fairy tales, the main source of fantasy that makes us want to find that ‘perfect’ someone (more on that in another article) and live out the rest of our days holding each others’ hands and all that other crap. So we set out and hope to find that one person to someday call husband or wife. Now let’s ask this question, do you remember the days when marriage was about basking in the love two people shared with one another? I don’t either, because nowadays the whole ‘institution’ of marriage has become something of a joke. Between those who treat it as such and those who have their own agenda as to why they get married in the first place, the notion of having to be married to someone has become a bit silly in my eyes. Lives have been crippled by messy divorces and victims of spousal infidelity and loveless jail-cell like homes have driven people to do unspeakable things. So why is there such a need for people to take this big of a chance? What are they trying to prove and who exactly are they trying to prove it to?

Friday, May 13, 2011

1+3 = 13

Are you superstitious? Do you believe in feeling unlucky? Do you seek out the necessary items said to be needed to achieve a state of luckiness? Perhaps you may avoid certain events or situations that might put you in the position of having something very unlucky happen to you. If that’s the case, then maybe you’d like to stay inside on this day of Friday the 13th. Every year, usually on a different day, everyone’s favorite day of the week, Friday, is combined with the most shunned number in our numerical system.

The technical term for the fear of this notable day on the calendar is referred to as “friggatriskaidekaphobia”. Yeah, try saying that thing just once slowly let alone three times fast. The first portion of this behemoth of a word, Frigga, is the name of the Norse goddess who is married to Odin according to Norse paganism (tradition). For those of you who stay up on your stories of Norse paganism (yeah right), you know that Frigga is Queen to the world of Asgard. Yup, you got it, that also means that she is the stepmother of Marvel superhero/god Thor. Go figure, one weekend in May is dedicated to helping her son’s movie take the top spot at the box office and the next week her name is synonymous with Friday the 13th. Who’d have thunk it? Anyways, the word Friday is based upon her name.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mommy's Day

Yes, it happens to be that time of year once again. “That time of year”, the phrase seems to be used for every annual occasion that there is. To me, this so-called occasion doesn’t fit the criteria to be described by that same saying. That is because it shouldn’t be labeled as simply an occasion at all but instead celebrated all year long.

Mother’s Day to some signifies the one day a year when we should open our wallets, dip into our bank accounts and buy the women that brought us into this world a bunch of gifts and take them out to dinner. Call them, shoot them a text and pay tribute to the females that labored for nine months while breathing life into our bodies.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


The news of your imminent arrival brought excitement and flooded my heart with a deep nervous feel at the innocent age of twelve that I was.  I remember our brother, only six at the time, asking me what my problem was.  But trying to explain a significant moment of importance to a child is like trying to defeat you in a debate about anything at all.  I’m going to lose and most likely wind up with a stabbing headache at the end of it all.  The two of us, brother and I, had been sent to stay with one of Ma’s friends while she was well, “working” on bringing you into this world.  I remember the friend not being the cleanest person on Earth and us being attacked by at least five mice the first night we were there, or maybe they were rats or maybe a mixture.  I don’t remember but it was pretty nasty there.  I don’t think either of us got much sleep that night.  Needless to say, we packed our things with breakneck speed when Pops came to pick us up the next day. 
The two of us couldn’t help but smile as he declared us “big brothers”.   Since I was one already, the title itself didn’t mean much but the fact that I was now going to have a small female to protect made my tiny chest puff out just a bit.  We entered the hospital room in the maternity ward and had to resist from leaping on our mother who actually looked quite peaceful.  Anytime that she wasn’t ordering us to take out the garbage or wash the dishes was always a good day.  Finally we were escorted to the area where you get to peer through a window at all of the babies who had recently been liberated from their mothers’ wombs.  We searched and searched until our eager eyes eventually fell upon your name for the very first time: Chastity Yvette Knight.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

You can Call, it's Ok

          This time around I would like to talk about another subject regarding females.  Well I suppose not just females only but about a certain level of interaction between the two genders, well the two main genders anyway, of our society.  Say you meet a person and the two of you connect on some sort of level.  You go through the usual motions of talking, speaking on the phone, texting and what not.  Basically just getting to know each other.  Finally, one of you decides that this person that you have just allowed into your life is worth going on a date with. 

            So you ask them out.  Wherever this first date might be is up to you of course.  You guys go out, you interact, you eat, drink and interact some more.  The date seems to be going well, laughs are exchanged, disagreements are at a minimum and you generally enjoy your time with this person.  It would seem that they have enjoyed their time with you as well and you know this because you hear it right from them.  You don’t have keep guessing and assuming whether or not you have made a good impression based solely on whatever body signals they may or may not have thrown your way.  The fact that they have had fun with you came right the horse’s mouth…that is to say, your date’s mouth. 

Thursday, December 30, 2010

What's Wrong with a Booty Call/1-Night Stand?

So is it wrong to expect a hot night of sex when it's freezing outside?  Especially when it's late and you receive a random text message asking you what you're doing.  I suppose the answer to this question depends on the person.  Maybe it depends on the gender of the person asking.  Perhaps it simply comes down to what the rules of late night rendezvous’ and our society says. 

Imagine if you're spending a quiet evening at home, just hanging out by yourself.  Suddenly your phone plays the tune of your favorite song at the time (no doubt it probably change by the end of the week) and it's that person.  You know. That person. Either you have only really spoken to them through text, hung out occasionally or only hear from them when they’re in need of some.  Or vice versa.

"Curious" as to what ever they just might want at this time of night, you answer the phone or respond to their message.  They ask what you're up to.  You reply "nothing".  They say something like "yeah, me too".  Then they ask you what you're doing later.  Well geez, I don't know, considering what time it is, I'm sure I'll still be doing nothing.  That is unless, I happen to look out of my window and see a spotlight shining into the dark sky.  Then I'll have an impromptu date with the police Commissioner.

You respond again with "nothing".  What might or might not follow is a game of silence.  Whoever cracks this period of quiet first is the loser of this game.  For you fortunate bunch which this is a usual thing, there really is no silence.  Only phone contact, knock at the door, then bed or couch or wherever gets filled with sex; period.  Others might give in to the silence game and ask that person if they want to come over.  Wow, by a stroke of luck they actually said yes.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Movie Survey

Go take this survey and peruse around the website, Price Minister.  Seems based in the UK, so for all of you who are located on that side of the world, have fun.  Everyone else, have fun too.  Plus by letting them know where you linked to their survey from might help your favorite movie Blogger out; Me.  Have a nice day and enjoy your New Year.  I will be probably be asleep due to being scheduled to work New Year's morning at 5:30 in the morning.  Fun times.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

"HBL" Post Production Interview

Here's one of the post-production interview videos hosted by none other than yours truly.  Big stars are so difficult to work with.  I felt especially threatened by Mr. Ali-Baba but I maintained my professionalism. 

("HBL" is a You Tube motion picture written, directed, filmed & produced by St. Elmo, master filmmaker, check out his You tube channel link in my favorite links on the side)


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Twilight Question

I have a question.  Yes I have asked many questions before and I feel that they are all of a shared importance simply becuase I have asked them and my curiousity is the only thing that matters in the world.  Well at least in my world.  Anyways my question is quite simple.  Its simplicty is simple.  Yet I am still without an answer.  I am hoping some of you awfully intelligent and very endearing readers will consider answering it for me.  It has to do with the gi-normous book & film franchise that the tweens and even some adults call Twilight.  It has gained about a ka-jillion fans and probably even more money and is still not finished with its plan at world domination. 

Yes I have posted about this mega-series before asking whether or not those of you who care think I should actually read the books.  As it turned out, not many of you did care but that's quite alright.  I understand your non-concern for my indecisiveness about what I read.  This time around I have a slightly different question.  I could answer it myself by actually reading the books but I really don't feel like it.  Well I mean I haven't had time.  So if you feel the need or even if you don't, I ask that you spare me that effort and answer my question.  For those of you who have actually read the books:

"Does it state anywhere in the novels that the Quileute wolves must walk around constantly shirtless?"

I ask because I am legitimately curious.  Not because I am trying to be funny or bitter about male half-nudity.  I understand that it draws in tons of female fans around the world which count for a large portion of the franchises revenue but in terms of the standard novel-to-film adaptation, I would really like to know.  Usually, well hopefully, films do a pretty decent job of working off of the novel that they take from.  Harry Potter has done a pretty good job.  All of those books I have read in their entirety.  The comparison between the books and film are not too far off.  So there you have it, my epic question.  Sorry I drew this out so long but I wanted to make sure that I was understood in my plight.  Now, if you would be so kind...ANSWER!!!


Monday, December 6, 2010

The Summer of Lebron

The summer season has always proven to be the highest grossing period for movies out of the entire year. The primetime, the main event, the go-to era. Those certain number of months ranging between around May and the end of August are the money makers for box offices around the world. For whatever reason, when the weather gets warm, or more realistically a scorching boil, patrons seem to flock to the comfortable air conditioned environment of the inside of a movie theater to catch their most anticipated blockbuster. Although I've gotten into the habit of bringing a sweat shirt with me because that "comfortable air conditioning" can begin to feel like January especially during a two hour film with a large ice cold Sprite. Plus that type of heads up consideration really impresses the ladies. But on to the topic at hand. This summer's most anticipated blockbuster is not on the big screen this year. It has all the specifics you would want in a big budget film as well, in fact, it probably takes the cake, and ice cream, money wise. Suspense, drama, laughs, excitement, thrills and maybe even some horror at the end for some people. This mega event, however, appeals to sports fans especially basketball fans. Especially NBA basketball fans. Yes, my friends I am speaking of the 2010 NBA Free Agency epic that has the entire world entrenched.

Greatest and Worst Performances from the 2010 NBA Finals

Turning away from the world of film for an evening, I had to settle in and watch the last game of the season from my favorite sport.  Having followed almost every game this post season, my initial choice for this year's champ were the Orlando Magic.  Three reasons for this:

  1. I have a severe loathing for a certain team who I won't respect enough to call the group by name but whom I will only refer to as the band of henchman in purple and gold.  

2. Althoug I am conditioned to dislike the sports world of Boston from growing up a Yankee fan in New York City, I like and resepct Kevin Garnett and through his consistent spectacular play in the playoffs, I have come to feel the same way about Rajon Rondo and wanted to see their team win another championship.  But along with the rest of America I didn't think they would reach as far as they did.

3.  The ever great Patrick Ewing is the assistant coach and mentor for the rising superstar that is Dwight Howard and I am still yearning for the day that he acheives that elusive championship ring that he never got a chance to wear during his days with my beloved New York Knicks.

The Voice and The Boss

For the most part sports are sports, we cheer, we scream, we root for our favorite team or player. Sometimes we boo, we heckle, we shout obscenities, we throw things and we are heartbroken over a loss. But sometimes a loss in the sports world means something much more than just one less win. Sometimes it's losing a person and it can feel as if you have lost a family member or a good friend.

Lovers of Poetry, take a trip over to Never Land!

Although still quite "wet behind the ears" when it comes to this writing thing, I have developed an opinion about it.  At first, I hated it, couldn't stand it.  I was very good at it in school, in fact English was indeed my best subject, well other than P.E. (if you want to count that).  I usually got decent grades, not always though due to laziness, but never really enjoyed it.  In fact one assignment we were given while in 11th grade consisted of a literary outline about the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck.  Great book but I forgot to actually do the assignment until it was almost too late.  It was due on a Monday and I suddenly remembered the Saturday afternoon before.  No one is thinking about doing homework during the weekend, especially not me.  That was my time for basketball and an awful lot of television. 

Not wanting to take yet another bad grade in a class that came easy to me, I sucked it up and followed the instructions our teacher gave us to a preciseness.  It must have taken me like half an hour to complete the entire thing.  I kind of just slept walked through it.  I really didn't care, it was better than getting a "0" and now I was free to waste my weekend anyway I saw fit.

Understanding Ebert

Quite possibly the single greatest and most influential film critic of this time and any other, Roger Ebert has certainly been around when it comes to movies. He knows what makes them tick, he knows what makes them go and most importantly he knows what makes them good. He, of course, also knows what makes them suck. As an aspiring critic myself, I have recently began reading some of Ebert’s more recent work. Films like The A-Team, Karate Kid, and A Nightmare on Elm Street. If you happen to actually follow my blog which is still in its newborn state, you can tell that I mostly tried to read his reviews of films that I, myself, have either seen or reviewed recently. In an attempt to compare my work and opinion with one of the greatest critical minds ever (I know, right, what was I thinking?), I found myself almost at the complete opposite end of opinions with Ebert on those films. I even re-read parts of his reviews trying to grasp his exact idea and feel for the film; sadly I simply could not agree with him on many of the same movies that I wrote about.
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